5 Tips to Help You Plan a Proper Cremation Service


5 Tips to Help You Plan a Proper Cremation Service

The loss of a loved one is an emotional and challenging experience. When it comes to planning the funeral or memorial service, the choice between burial and cremation can be a difficult one. In recent years, cremation has become an increasingly popular choice due to factors such as cost, flexibility, and environmental concerns. If you are considering cremation for your loved one, it’s essential to know what to expect from the process.

In this post, we will discuss a couple of things to expect when planning cremation services:

1. Choosing a Cremation Provider

The first step in the cremation process is selecting a cremation provider. This can be a funeral home, crematory, or a combination of both. It’s crucial to research and compare providers in your area to find one that aligns with your budget, values, and preferences. Some factors to consider include cost, reputation, available services, and the provider’s level of experience with cremation.

2. Cremation Authorization and Required Documentation

Before the cremation process can begin, proper authorization must be obtained. This typically involves signing a cremation authorization form, which outlines the details of the cremation process and grants permission to the cremation provider to proceed. Additionally, certain legal documentation, such as the deceased’s death certificate, may be required to start the cremation process. Your chosen cremation provider should walk you through the necessary paperwork and guide you through this step.

3. Preparing the Body for Cremation

Once the necessary paperwork is completed, the deceased’s body will be prepared for the cremation process. This may involve cleaning, dressing, and placing the body in a suitable container or casket. If you choose to have a viewing or visitation prior to the cremation, embalming may be required. However, embalming is not a necessary step for cremation and can be omitted if preferred.

4. The Cremation Process

The actual cremation process involves placing the body in a cremation chamber, where it is exposed to high temperatures (typically between 1,400 and 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) for several hours. This process reduces the body to ashes and bone fragments. The remains are then cooled and processed into a fine, sand-like consistency, which is commonly referred to as “cremains” or “ashes.” This entire process usually takes between 2 to 3 hours, although the overall time frame can vary depending on factors such as the size of the body and the efficiency of the cremation equipment.

5. Receiving Your Loved One’s Ashes

After the cremation is complete, the ashes will be placed in a temporary container or an urn provided by the family. The cremation provider will then notify you when the ashes are ready to be picked up or make arrangements for their delivery. It is essential to make a decision about the final disposition of the ashes, whether you plan to scatter them, bury them, or keep them in an urn at home. Some families may also choose to divide the ashes among family members in keepsake urns or incorporate them into memorial jewelry.


Understanding the cremation process and knowing what to expect can help ease the stress and uncertainty that often accompanies the loss of a loved one. By being informed and prepared, you can make the best decisions for your family and ensure that your loved one’s memory is honored in a meaningful and personal way.

Ashes to Ashes Corporation is a state-licensed cremation provider offering simplified cremation services to help grieving loved ones meet their needs from the comforts of their home. If you are in need of affordable cremation service in Los Angeles, do reach out to us today.


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