FEMA Funeral Funding for Victims of COVID-19

FEMA Funeral Relief

FEMA Funeral Funding for Victims of COVID-19

With Deaths from COVID-19 increasing well past the One Million mark, many families and next of kin are wondering how they will cover Funeral Expenses. Funeral Expenses are often unexpected and with families across the nation suffering from the pandemic, money in the home is already stretched thin. In an article recently published on ABC News, Mary Kekatos reports that FEMA has set up a Fund for families to use to cover funeral expenses. In her article, Kekatos reports that FEMA has already paid out more than $350,000 to families and next of kin to cover expenses from the funeral. Funds are still available, but there are requirements to apply for the program.

FEMA has an Eligibility Explainer on their website which can be found here (https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance)

Who is Eligible?

  • US Citizens, Non-Citized National, or Qualified Non-Citizen
  • The death occurred in the US, or a US Territory or the District of Columbia
  • The death was attributed to COVID-19
  • You are responsible for the eligible expenses incurred on or after Jan 20th, 2020.

Ashes to Ashes Corporation would be happy to guide you through the process while you fill out the paperwork and wait for your reimbursement. Give us a call for more information or for help if your loved one has passed or you are planning for the future.

Ashes to Ashes Corp
Los Angeles – FD 2350 – (323) 644-3323
Palm Springs – FD 2372 – (760) 804-3323

Kekatos, Mary. “1 Million COVID Deaths but Only 350K Families Have Asked FEMA for Funeral Cost Help.” ABC News, ABC News Network, 14 May 2022, https://abcnews.go.com/Health/million-deaths-350k-families-asked-fema-funeral-cost/story?id=84694884.


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